Answered By: Amanda Kalish MCC
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2020     Views: 163

It is possible to cite a quote within a quote, but be sure to use these secondary sources sparingly. For instance, you might choose to use a secondary source when the original work is out of print, unavailable through usual sources, or not available in English. Whenever possible though, it is best to track down and analyze the original source from where the quote originated. If you do decide to cite a secondary source, however, here’s how you do so:

Let’s say you read a 2013 article by Smith and Jones that cites an earlier article by Doe and you want to cite Doe’s article even though you’ve never actually read the Doe article itself. Cite the secondary source in the reference list. Then, in text, name the original work and give a citation for the secondary source.

In the example, if Doe's work is cited in Smith and Jones but you did not read Doe's work, the Smith and Jones reference should be included in the reference list. In the text, the following citation would show:

Doe’s study (as cited in Smith & Jones, 2013) found that...

(Adapted from the APA Publication Manual sixth edition, section 6.17, p. 178)

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